A FAB World presents The Sustainable Solutions Online Competition Solving problems now and for the future!
Feb 15 -Sept. 2, 2019:
There will be winners in two categories:
People’s Choice and Judges’ Choice
1st Place Award $100
(AFAB World is currently seeking donations for additional and bigger awards)
Did you know droughts have cost more than a billion dollars in recent years for Washington farmers alone?
Our current competition addresses the dwindling water supplies in Eastern Washington and ways to avoid the impact of inevitable future droughts.
What are YOUR long-term holistic solutions for this serious problem?
People’s Choice and Judges’ Choice
1st Place Award $100
(AFAB World is currently seeking donations for additional and bigger awards)
Did you know droughts have cost more than a billion dollars in recent years for Washington farmers alone?
Our current competition addresses the dwindling water supplies in Eastern Washington and ways to avoid the impact of inevitable future droughts.
What are YOUR long-term holistic solutions for this serious problem?
Purchase an entry ticket at brown paper tickets...
Teachers wanting a free entry for school projects please send an email to [email protected] (This is a charity project)
Click on the PDF below for contest details, sample idea and form.
Teachers wanting a free entry for school projects please send an email to [email protected] (This is a charity project)
Click on the PDF below for contest details, sample idea and form.
Thank you for your interest and support, together we can make it
A FAB World! Get your $10 entry ticket here!
A FAB World! Get your $10 entry ticket here!
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Concept sample: (really - just an example!)
Snohomish County sits just 60 miles west of the Chelan reservoir and has large rivers that flood every year making it the potential start of a solution with the reservoir as the target.
Can YOU create a plan (basic or as advanced as needed) to solve the problem to "Pump winter storm water from Snohomish County to Lake Chelan reservoir; " to overcome the obstacles involved in pumping winter storm water 60 miles east and 1 mile up - using sustainable green energy science, practices and techniques?
We identify a problem, you submit your idea, plan, or project proposal to solve it.
YOU make a video of your project description and WE put it on YouTube/JimboJitsu for people’s choice voting by “likes.” The video with the most likes is the People’s Choice winner!
OUR judges panel will review YOUR idea, plan, or project proposal (submitted to [email protected] as a PDF).
The top 10 winners will be announced live during the Raindance Festival Black Friday 2019 @ Oly Underground in Olympia and via afabworld.org website and YouTube.com/JimboJitsu.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Remember, together we can make it A FAB World!
Snohomish County sits just 60 miles west of the Chelan reservoir and has large rivers that flood every year making it the potential start of a solution with the reservoir as the target.
Can YOU create a plan (basic or as advanced as needed) to solve the problem to "Pump winter storm water from Snohomish County to Lake Chelan reservoir; " to overcome the obstacles involved in pumping winter storm water 60 miles east and 1 mile up - using sustainable green energy science, practices and techniques?
We identify a problem, you submit your idea, plan, or project proposal to solve it.
YOU make a video of your project description and WE put it on YouTube/JimboJitsu for people’s choice voting by “likes.” The video with the most likes is the People’s Choice winner!
OUR judges panel will review YOUR idea, plan, or project proposal (submitted to [email protected] as a PDF).
The top 10 winners will be announced live during the Raindance Festival Black Friday 2019 @ Oly Underground in Olympia and via afabworld.org website and YouTube.com/JimboJitsu.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Remember, together we can make it A FAB World!
Information concerning the water problem in Eastern WA for the example project...
1) https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/deep-trouble-for-wells-in-eastern-washington/
2) http://www.nwnewsnetwork.org/post/more-water-eastern-washington-not-when-its-needed-most
3) http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2018/may/27/their-aquifer-falling-central-washington-farmers-a/
4) https://www.joe.org/joe/2004october/rb3.php
5) https://ecology.wa.gov/Water-Shorelines/Water-supply/Water-availability
6) https://www.chelanpud.org/hydropower/lake-chelan-dam
7) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ec/Pacific_Northwest_River_System.png
8) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Chelan_Dam
9) https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017-02/documents/ws-ourwater-washington-state-fact-sheet.pdf
10) https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/wa/snow/waterproducts/?cid=stelprdb1265591
11) https://wrc.wsu.edu/
12) https://www.capitalpress.com/state/washington/wsda-estimates-drought-damage-topped-million/article_95654d97-b864-5258-9d4e-6efc837ff2f8.html
13) https://www.drought.gov/drought/states/washington
14 https://products.kitsapsun.com/archive/2005/04-18/42939_growers_hit_hard_by_pacific_nort.html
15) https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/16/us/washington-governor-declares-drought-emergency.html
16) https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aa8fde
17) https://www.nwpb.org/2018/12/26/across-the-west-much-is-at-stake-for-farmers-in-the-weekly-drought-map/
18) https://ecology.wa.gov/Water-Shorelines/Water-supply/Water-availability/Statewide-conditions
1) https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/deep-trouble-for-wells-in-eastern-washington/
2) http://www.nwnewsnetwork.org/post/more-water-eastern-washington-not-when-its-needed-most
3) http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2018/may/27/their-aquifer-falling-central-washington-farmers-a/
4) https://www.joe.org/joe/2004october/rb3.php
5) https://ecology.wa.gov/Water-Shorelines/Water-supply/Water-availability
6) https://www.chelanpud.org/hydropower/lake-chelan-dam
7) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ec/Pacific_Northwest_River_System.png
8) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Chelan_Dam
9) https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017-02/documents/ws-ourwater-washington-state-fact-sheet.pdf
10) https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/wa/snow/waterproducts/?cid=stelprdb1265591
11) https://wrc.wsu.edu/
12) https://www.capitalpress.com/state/washington/wsda-estimates-drought-damage-topped-million/article_95654d97-b864-5258-9d4e-6efc837ff2f8.html
13) https://www.drought.gov/drought/states/washington
14 https://products.kitsapsun.com/archive/2005/04-18/42939_growers_hit_hard_by_pacific_nort.html
15) https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/16/us/washington-governor-declares-drought-emergency.html
16) https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aa8fde
17) https://www.nwpb.org/2018/12/26/across-the-west-much-is-at-stake-for-farmers-in-the-weekly-drought-map/
18) https://ecology.wa.gov/Water-Shorelines/Water-supply/Water-availability/Statewide-conditions
Example Idea
One option to fight decreasing water supplies in Eastern Washington is to pump winter storm water from Western Washington into the Cascade Mt. range to allow gravity and nature to distribute it to Easter Washington, Oregon and possibly even Idaho. This can also be used to resupply ancient aquifers (well water) that have fallen several hundred feet in Easter Wa.
Goal: To pump winter storm water from Snohomish County to the area of Lake Chelan reservoirs which will assist the Columbia river area. The water will be stored in existing and new reservoirs. The water should be used to 1 fill existing aquifers, 2 to assist in Columbia river flows and 3 for irrigation of crops and farming practices that promote diverse ecosystems and natural sustainability such as a combination of berry bushes and fruit trees vs the old simplistic farming practice of Mono Cropping. By taking this approach to the water distribution we start to address future problems by requiring responsible and sustainable agriculture options.
Identify stakeholders to accomplish the goal:
County commissioners, PUD, state and federal representatives. State and Federal Dept. of Ecology, Wildlife, Natural Resources, Energy, Agriculture, University engineering dept. the Army Corp. of Engineers and the President of the United States.
Basic concept on how to make it work:
To make holding ponds near major rivers that can be used by pumping stations to pump water 60 miles east and 1 mile up hill. The pumping stations will be powered by a combination of solar, wind, wave and biogas gasification generators which will also create passive steam engines from their exhaust heat. To pump the water we will use new technology developed by the University of Hawaii that utilizes a simple air injection system to increase a water pump capacity by a factor of 10 or more.
How to make it work:
1 Determine how much water can be pumped to where and identify safety hazards and community risks to be avoided. Create a plan on how to use the water pumped and identify who will manage that plan.
2 Identify destination for water to be pumped, expand or create new reservoirs as needed.
3 Create the holding ponds at the river source(s) and 1 every 1/4 mile in elevation (ponds/lakes should be 10 time pumping capacity to anticipate winter flooding and overflows etc.) along the 60 mile pipeline path east.
4 Build the pipeline and pumping station needed to move the water.
5 Pump the water and save eastern Washington Farms and Columbia river fish!
6 During the spring, summer and fall months the sustainable green energy power generated will be divided between the local stake holders to sell or use as they deem best as it will be their responsibility to maintain the system.
7 Determine how this model can be improved and used elsewhere.
Sustainable solutions generated that are used outside of the project goal:
Increased income stability for farmers and fishermen.
Prohibits the decrease in plants that fight climate change by processing greenhouse gasses.
Promotes sustainable energy techniques, technology, and usage.
Creates sustainable jobs.
Using the Sustainable technology of Gasification and Biodigester will actually reduce the greenhouse gases that would have been released natural, while creating energy.
Excess sustainable green power generated 6-9 months of the year.
Demonstrates to the world that humans can solve epic problems and work together as stewards of our resource to improve the world starting with our own "garden".
Will allow orchards to continue to exist which remove carbon from the air and might fight climate change.
Encourages citizens to become part of the solution.
Making America Great.
Example Idea
One option to fight decreasing water supplies in Eastern Washington is to pump winter storm water from Western Washington into the Cascade Mt. range to allow gravity and nature to distribute it to Easter Washington, Oregon and possibly even Idaho. This can also be used to resupply ancient aquifers (well water) that have fallen several hundred feet in Easter Wa.
Goal: To pump winter storm water from Snohomish County to the area of Lake Chelan reservoirs which will assist the Columbia river area. The water will be stored in existing and new reservoirs. The water should be used to 1 fill existing aquifers, 2 to assist in Columbia river flows and 3 for irrigation of crops and farming practices that promote diverse ecosystems and natural sustainability such as a combination of berry bushes and fruit trees vs the old simplistic farming practice of Mono Cropping. By taking this approach to the water distribution we start to address future problems by requiring responsible and sustainable agriculture options.
Identify stakeholders to accomplish the goal:
County commissioners, PUD, state and federal representatives. State and Federal Dept. of Ecology, Wildlife, Natural Resources, Energy, Agriculture, University engineering dept. the Army Corp. of Engineers and the President of the United States.
Basic concept on how to make it work:
To make holding ponds near major rivers that can be used by pumping stations to pump water 60 miles east and 1 mile up hill. The pumping stations will be powered by a combination of solar, wind, wave and biogas gasification generators which will also create passive steam engines from their exhaust heat. To pump the water we will use new technology developed by the University of Hawaii that utilizes a simple air injection system to increase a water pump capacity by a factor of 10 or more.
How to make it work:
1 Determine how much water can be pumped to where and identify safety hazards and community risks to be avoided. Create a plan on how to use the water pumped and identify who will manage that plan.
2 Identify destination for water to be pumped, expand or create new reservoirs as needed.
3 Create the holding ponds at the river source(s) and 1 every 1/4 mile in elevation (ponds/lakes should be 10 time pumping capacity to anticipate winter flooding and overflows etc.) along the 60 mile pipeline path east.
4 Build the pipeline and pumping station needed to move the water.
5 Pump the water and save eastern Washington Farms and Columbia river fish!
6 During the spring, summer and fall months the sustainable green energy power generated will be divided between the local stake holders to sell or use as they deem best as it will be their responsibility to maintain the system.
7 Determine how this model can be improved and used elsewhere.
Sustainable solutions generated that are used outside of the project goal:
Increased income stability for farmers and fishermen.
Prohibits the decrease in plants that fight climate change by processing greenhouse gasses.
Promotes sustainable energy techniques, technology, and usage.
Creates sustainable jobs.
Using the Sustainable technology of Gasification and Biodigester will actually reduce the greenhouse gases that would have been released natural, while creating energy.
Excess sustainable green power generated 6-9 months of the year.
Demonstrates to the world that humans can solve epic problems and work together as stewards of our resource to improve the world starting with our own "garden".
Will allow orchards to continue to exist which remove carbon from the air and might fight climate change.
Encourages citizens to become part of the solution.
Making America Great.